Sunday, November 11, 2012 g time all have no e

Also can accept fact, this unfamiliar world isn't the original world that receives science as model that oneself acquaints with any more,, on the contrary are the main melody that those mysterious odd things became this world.
Once reconnoitred basement, Chen at the side of campfire not to blame used the charcoal drew in a back of spooler blank the detailed geography map of basement inner part.
This area of the base is the stone cave of about 1,000,000 square meters, highly the range estimation is or so for 170 meters, if put at on the earth absolutely sufficient miracle in the election world.
Brilliant design adoption ask for help of height fall a way that differ nature's irrigation to lead to the underground river provides water for the whole spice farm crop of basement, and depends on to continuously flow the magma dripping to provide calories for the plant here and illuminate, and this artificial once dispenses the rich soil of composition, the plant in the stone cave grows prosperous but bushiness, want even exceed livinged status at first under of the same kind.
The farm crop in the stone cave although because have never got a tube to protect for a long time too much, should be plant district to distribute clear, for the purpose of benefit in adopt to accept of structure and form, the plant aring of a great variety in these categories passes the baptism in endless time hereafter have already resumed a status of nature balance.
Aren't the rich soil that all plants like an artificial decoration, the basement excavates engineering to leave behind a great deal of next crushed stones and gravel on equally animate, the category are of a great variety of the plant is each to take need, a prospects that everyone lives together peacefully.
The plants according to respectively for adopt light and occupied own most suitable proper growth position in the hole hole to the different need of calories, plused very for a long time all have no enemy and paroxysm to harass, here is already a spice plant completely heaven.
Living for a long time high big tall tree of leading a hundred years everywhere it is thus clear that, living the herbs that bush and a year living with their foot low short several years together, this closes in the basement of constituted a perfect biosphere in the environment.
Probably this artificial forest the only blemish was too silent, in addition to fly and leak on spring of precipice wall but next bellow and make water voice for ringing, Chen not to blame of the ear side is any out of hearing any further other voices, this kind of environment makes people have grow hard bear with of suppress.
Fair bear with in this circumstance short time so much, the next move is the path that finds out to go out, now for Chen the not to blame the most important affair still keep filling the belly of satisfied oneself first.

Chapter 7 basement section 2

The spice farm crop of the world greater halfs could eat at first, didn't know that the spice farm crop of this world isn't same harmless to human bodies.Chen whom understand the whole rules all want to push over to do it again not to blame doesn't dare to hastily descend tastes these shape peculiar spice plant.
Honestly shine on rules similar make sure some fruitses to eat to have no after once trying poison side effect, Chen not to blame this just start trust the ground have meal.
The species that Chen not to blame eats is the fruit of some berries and tall tree, in addition to satisfying a current demand, Chen not to blame collects the flavor better fruits from the plant cluster after making a meal of and put by the side of the campfire to burn hot rock up bake to bake stem to remove water to make into dry ration food.
The plant here contains his/her own growth period, flower the efflorescence fall from have predestination, the nobody dares to promise each each time engrave all have the fresh fruits just right maturity can be provided to eat.
Besides explore on the travel not definitely to there is like this good luck every time, can at at the end of one's rope of time find out the replenishment of food and drinking just, hold firmly time to add now to keep a storage is a serious matter.
Was busy to finish to prepare a work, Chen who prepared to take a rest not to blame was just before sleep and before taking out oneself to search out to come to hand of spooler.Understanding this mysterious best path that hasn't known a world be read knowledge of carry body book.
Wear a campfire of shining, Chen not to blame concentrates on reading to begin medium spooler, though he the writing of incognizant top, however see picture even receive to take to guess to also at last increase a path of general knowledge.
"Alas!!Good pain!"
Concentrate on to read Chen in the spooler profound mystery not to blame, don't aware of self a ground of beginning side the body fight for better ray environment, suddenly he drive body the strong and tough object of the underneath malicious Luo for a while.
The part is painful to pour to absorb to catch cold spirit, Chen not to blame lowers the head to see the flat rock that the Chong makes berth, didn't discover any possibility the Luo arrive his thing.
At present Chen not to blame has a little puzzling, after stopping to think, he stretch hand one his own pocket of touching and just and suddenly realize get up, is a shorts Dou inside of that is playing tricks.
Without extra trouble touch these two uses unidentified runt, Chen not to blame the in the mind start calculating them exactly is have what value, the meeting is into spooler concealed by the careful Ksitigarbha, however currently can not find previous these two things of correct operation method are also an useless decoration.
Chen not to blame pickeds up that the crystal of the deep purple color is careful details, ability extravagant arrive the precious stone spreads the sanctuary of ground inside can't someone take such an unattractive runt to be a baby, so is it actually used for doing what?
Is diverted to consider the time of problem, just Chen not to blame just in the spooler read being from the rock at the side of body slide, see Be about to drop into campfire to become new fuel.Chen not to blame flusters ground to spring up and neglects the threat of flame and stretches the right hand into the campfire of flaming combustion and endure bright the pain-suffering burning come out spooler salvation, and then that amethyst is in this process campfire falling into flaming combustion in.
Chen, who takes care of a thing and misses the other, not to blame and hurriedly holds to start the tree branch that the side stirs fire, one is blind to toss about in the campfire, in five minutes just seek this amethyst back from at the ashes of campfire.
But wait until the crystal color that burns to burn after long time this time to become obscure gradually, finally transmute a cake of completely achromatic and transparent crystal.
More for make people interrogative is this piece of sink into a campfire drive the heat just rob after heating for a long time extrication of crystal, not only the surface temperature the slightest didn't change, Chen not to blame of finger touch's going up to remain is that kind of the ice of the metal sort cold texture, the temperature seems still much lower some, imitate a Buddha, it didn't basically and never keep body to in flaming blazing flame once roast.
Abnormal is demon, but arrived this convention one phrases all want afresh a new world of defining its meaning, Chen not to blame return be really have never had confidence to affirm what phenomenon appear and then definitely represent abnormal.
Convention and knowledge understood by him in addition to a part can with be thought in general use, whether other everythings all want to re- dilimit it to be reasonable or not.
But Chen not to blame the body should not have the Earth at this the mankind of in the world oneself is a kind of biggest of abnormal and not reasonable, the in other words differs from a permafrost world but talks to this, Chen who should not exist more isn't to blame a real demon!
Should say that this is very by chance and strangely fits a , Chen not to blame the time from ground ten crystals, and his another hand up the spooler taking gather together a straight line, connected down and then tooked place to let the affair of people's gape.Refracting through this crystal is originally a letter of alphabet literalness the spooler reflect into Chen not to blame eyelid but became to acquaint with again however of cube word, if the development turns and twists that says an affair was oddly and nothing is better than and hereat.
Although Chen not to blame doesn't understand how crystal is make 1 kind smelling the writing that don't smell he translate into the Chinese characters for consistently using,beyond all doubt crystal of this absolute being machine not to blame opens one to lead to new-world front door for Chen and immediately becomes the main thoroughfare of sun shines everywhere bottom from the difficult and frustrated beset with difficulties geologic change his prospect at the same time.
Urgently hope Chen that understand oneself circumstances not to blame to the whole knowledge all so such as hungry thirst, this under finally arrests an opportunity can from two eyes a grope in the dark of set free in status, how could it be don't do of reason.He at that moment will plan the affair of wanting the sleeping to run to the far away at first, an idea was devoted to delve into spooler.He the inquisitive affair is really too many, delay more a short moment efforts to all feel hard to bear with.
Chen not to blame from those huge bookcases in all of spoolers picking out are the types that takes to have illustration, at present his hand in although had the crystal this translation sharp weapon,ran in to have no how much word can translate the embarrassing situation of reading.
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