Monday, November 12, 2012

cheap beats by dre Put ……putIs publ

"Grievedly raise wine bottle, drink an one mouthful again, the strong breeze thinks of a certain matter, the teeth of malicious mouthful all bite of the Luo Luo make to ring.
"The thou is thin especially that is old cunning, with tail between legs run to the part, said to is Qian regrets and go to and jilt a hand to throw a big stand affair to me, these several days, depend I a person comes to return back of run, the legs all run thin have never also seen him the bastard comes out and does some help, can give° me tired miserably.Only this will drink time of some wine now can easy little.Wait that old bastard to come back, I also want to thoroughly take a few days off, what live all not dry, what the matters all ignore."Strong breeze Gao raises hand medium wine bottle and looks up at sky to roar.
"That is the trust to you."Hobble, the thou was thin the behind from the buffet to turn out especially.Didn't see for several days, original enough old of the thou is thin especially seem to be more Be getting older, oldly walk to all want to be handed by person.Even if is taking charge of the Chan that the soup reaches to hand under, walk to°from the small door of buffet behind flank in the buffet also tired of he violently pauses for breath.
The complaint Ga of "you is old ……" strong breeze however, looking at to seem to change individual the thou is thin especially, he feels profoundly apprehensive:"What's the matter with you?"
Once"I …… cough ……" open mouth, a burst of a cough of lung toring heart crack's making the thou thin can't speak words any further especially, vehemence of breath voice let the body of his rickets seem to be more of thin small, anyones can see, the fire of his life has already infinitely approached to put out of situation.
"The grandpa has already handed over to me the tradition of the monster clan elder."Taking charge of soup to reach noodles to permit is pale, continuously arrival with will soon arrive of the affair make the year light of he also peeps out one silk old:"The grandpa says his time not much, he wants to come to see this trip store of barbarian again."
"Old waiter, you come to come right away, why don't wait body very at 1:00 again, this trip store can not also run."Put the wine bottle to the counter, the list hand lightly presses the counter, the strong breeze once turns over a counter and ordered a dust to not and surprisedly fall a buffet and stretched hand Chan to stay a thou thin especially, love not already:" Come to come, we arrive anterior of the stool sit in seat of honor Xie Xie."
Put a hand, violent breather's making the thou thin can not speak words especially and stood to slightly add a breather at first and leaked a kind of adherence in the turbid look in the eyes of persistence.
"Like to go or not well and not, you see you to want to sit where sit where."The strong breeze stretches hands and falsely hand a thou thin looking at that oldly the rat person of elephant words especially not, none of strong breeze knows should how expressed to ownly feel, anyway, he doesn't dare to directly and by hand hand that dry firewood good similar arm and fear a carelessly and gave lane to fold.
Is special and spectacular box of similar breath's making the thou thin can not speak words especially, the strain of the strong breeze to is to let start to be suffused with one silk smiling face in his face, really went before having no energy, thou thin especially simply body a slanting, directly of leaned on strong breeze that has his waist thick thigh quickly up.
"Is alas, alas, alas, what's the matter with you."The thou is thin especially of body so a slanting, can give the strong breeze a fright, hurriedly stretch out hands, slightly give to have thou thin especially:Also pant O.K..
"Where do I want to sit."Is almost a word, the thou is by hand thin to point at the circle Deng of buffet behind especially, speaks unique a words of integrity.
"Like well, where do we sit."Like hold a porcelain doll, the strong breeze hands start to carry a thou thin put him to the top in the Deng especially, still just the thou after being thin sit properly especially stretch out two Pus big palm, or soly protect thin in the thou especially nearby.
"Here, is our monster clan to start prosperous point of departure, the old unselfish induction of Liu Jing's senior, let we monster the person also had the opportunity to can do business together with mankind, and still pretty earned."After a burst of and violent cough, the thou is thin Du to have a mouth especially.
Take charge of soup to reach hurriedly to take off a bamboo bottle from the waist, stretch thin thou especially of mouth side, connect next thou thin vomit especially of one mouthful thick phlegm.
"Liu Jing's senior is old really of great value, if can own him, I think, who would like to pay to come from F can pay the biggest price of ."Shout of breathe heavily spirit, the thou is thin to see strong breeze especially, and then sees the department soup being worry to reach:"But, force him, is incorrect."
The thou of"particularly is us, " is thin especially of the words are more and more fluent, a cough is getting less:"Make us lacking the situation of dress little food from, teach current of this kind of can build up the degree of own city, Liu Jing's senior is old to our kindnesses is no longer in brief Help of boon, he returns to we in cheerful hope, giving our kid can the open station is in the mankind's in front, and the possibility of mankind's fair deal."
"So, we can in no way let Liu Jing's senior down again Be getting older."The thou is thin especially to the strong breeze, at the same time is also to department the soup reach:"So, we unqualified again bathing under the brilliance of monster absolute being, as the son people of monster absolute being, run about in the whole world."
"So, no matter how it is, must obtain the old pardon of Liu Jing's senior.This, must remember."The thou is thin double eye to brightly looking at to take charge of soup to reach especially:"You have to promise me, must obtain the old pardon of Liu Jing's senior, must."

Text 165, walk
Renew time:2008-10-2812:36:18 chapter word numbers:4422

The ancient thin special features died of old age.
The ancient thin special features always sits and travels the circle Deng of the store buffet behind at the barbarian up dying of.
He is the one breath that the palm in the mind in strong breeze elder swallows under the end.The flank is the new appointee monster clan elder department soup that kneels on the ground to reach-tradition that only accepted elder, but have no elder position of, the monster clan youngest elder in history.
The ancient thin special features is old in the article of death ex- to instruct:Must acquire the old pardon of Liu Jing's senior, now, Liu Jing's learning is standing at his before the grave, side kneel a monster clan of incumbent tradition elder department the soup reach, with most of monster persons in the tribe.
There is also Ren 1 in Burundi.
The Ren hair Peng in Burundi of awe-inspiring once was disorderly, ever sleek of the noodles giving out light permitted to also spread all over built-up crease, the whole individual seemed old several 10 years old similar.At his nearby, his daughter-in-law, the fox clan ever first beauty also unkempt appearancely like the old woman of a pig clan, kneel over there, the continuously Ke wears a head and continuously shout in mouth of say what, ever brilliant eyes inside one vacant.
Quan shrink parents of back, lovely of card Si Di now like an abandoned kitty, is taken by surprise of the look in the eyes continuously look at the each and every move of surrounding the adults, two ears of sharp points watch out for of wiretap surrounding slight commotion of voice, a little bit more any voices that are bigger than a heart palpitates all will be surprised to rise what she was taken by surprise to eye, the ever clean face also spreads all over colourful dirty mark, and scar.
Finally succeed in escaping from Long Zu's house arrest, rushed out Liu Jing who living the sky to learn really is want to happily shout loudly big Rang to be some kind of.There is no that mood now just.
The thou is thin especially of death and again face Ren in Burundi, make him heavy to get free heart to feel a kind of brilliant sunlight of being different heavy,cheap beats by dre, canning again coming in contact with, flexible flower and grass, the joy brought by cold and crystal-clear air all lets at present of the soil wrap beat for shot of vanish.
There are also that a painful family who look to let public.
"Why on earth come?"Was in mind to secretly sigh tone, Liu Jing learned to see toward was full of in the taste of Burundi Ren helpless and commiseration:"Calculated and put them all."
"Put ……put?"Is public all surprise.
"The ancient thin special features is old dead, don't be meaningless of lose precious life again."Liu Jing learns to feel profoundly helpless:"And, I am also walking.For the sake of an injustice that leaves a person, hurt a life, unworthy.And, I am a doctor."Liu Jing learned to smile and smiled very bitterly:"The doctor is to save a person, can not kill people, even if is let patient lively than die still painful, the doctor cans not kill people, either."
"Can stand by with folded arms."This sentence, Liu Jing's learning don't speak, so will bring some otiose these after the events of bother, passing bieses, Liu Jing's learning doesn't hope to have of, is troublesome, and Liu Jing learns to feel, for the sake of own momentary injustice, seize other people only have a life, also too cruel.(H'm, probably he is clay-cold will also come to Related articles:

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