Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Beats Detox can he unexpectedl

What is the dint ?
Poured to there is also similar example before, some superiors could use some very special skills and temporarily inhibitted mind grass, making the in a short time grow a grass could not feel the position of mind grass again.But, this kind of condition next, the mind grass remains is live, unless as for period that arrived to fade naturally, also having never hearding of it mind grass will die in advance, or be forced a body outside.
Wheat card the boon and old servant start being worry towards seeing one eye, each other, this unknown condition represents of, probably is strength that can not control, so this strength, the meeting teaches for red towel,Artist Series, to whole three heavy sky, bring what?

Chapter 361 comprehends

Said again to unintentionally push to explode Wang Shao Chuan of the mind grass.
This, Wang Shao Chuan continuously the transformation wear a direction and use 【shrink ground to become inch 】of Shu, broke to continuously and continuously walk to tenth, tread.Only calculate calculate this distance, how all get to have several thousand around ten thousand inside ground?Expend of time, also had a week, the clothes on the body all became hole hole to pack, can he unexpectedly still didn't see a town, even connect a personal shadow don't see.However, this of external environment, pour from the wild earth, became marsh, and then became big steppe, Wang Shao Chuan all doubted, if this continues, will can't return to again original point?
Under this complicated and bad existence environment, the nature of Wang Shao Chuan will also meet danger, even if time that he comes to a stop each time none of partition is long.
Wang Shao Chuan met a huge lizard when once stopping is next.Wang Shao Chuan just just a stop bottom, haven't seen the environment of clear surroundings, the tail of that huge Xi swept to come over, rode on to roar and shout information, Wang Shao Chuan nowise doubted, if this being taken out is medium, his affirmation will be as kicking ball kicked to fly, by that time even if not be on the spot kicked to explode, but guard internal injury is also ineluctable, the strong meat cans not completely offset, either thus the huge dint of the external function.
Once at the time that time came to a stop, the one feet of Wang Shao Chuan trampled inside in the marsh ground.Luckily he observes circumstances early, a felling foot loose soft, imitate a Buddha to have a sucker, person downwards the noodles absorb, just in a twinkling of time, the person has already sunk calf belly.Wang Shao Chuan presses to move right away 【fast way 】, directly and again activated 【shrink ground to become inch 】, also ignored a direction, direct Xiu ground 1 fly to flee to go out and at last once hid a to rob,Beats by Dre Just Beats.
The time that still once came to a stop, Wang Shao Chuan felt that he or she crashes into what things, then wores into, that the felling was pretty peculiar.Then have never waited Wang Shao Chuan to respond to come over, surroundings beginning Xuan ground in the sky turns, and still have a kind of fishy foul smell that absolutely surpasses description, smoked turn over a river to pour sea in the belly of Wang Shao Chuan, direct vomit.
So, outside Xuan ground in the sky turn ground to turn endlessly, in turn over a river to pour Haiti vomit not as well happy, finally wait to outside fall calm, Wang Shao Chuan finds out one silk very easily shining, climb out just discover, oneself just and unexpectedly in belly of huge overlord's dragon, oneself climbs out of the hole is at the right moment the navel son of overlord's dragon ……
The career like this is many, Wang Shao Chuan also numbness, time don't seem to be in the beginning at least so, a surprised a suddenly of, really have the elegant appearance of several cents"true" savage country people.
Certainly, Wang Shao Chuan also not is have already done not anotherly harvest.
For example the crisis that meets lizard, Wang Shao Chuan considers huge Xi of the power hugely sweep tail action, then created new word Jue 1 【 of the weapon sweep word Jue 】, completely be imitate huge Xi of that sweeps tail action, uses to annoy machine to respond this to devote major efforts a field and creates a super short distance, extremely high and accelerative impact wave.And, this since the tail that can be like huge Xi that thwart sweep in the past, was into a kind of attack means of big scope;Can also be like 【sting word Jue 】so, come to Zong Guan by broking through, be a kind of order to order of attack means.
Wang Shao Chuan finally associated to spread"attack by surprise a gun" that spreads a fairy version of the fairy pleasant breeze again, hence was simply and then chased two kinds of appearances of this word Jue, was divided into two kinds of word Jues.
The big area sweeps of that be still 【sweep word Jue 】, at the right moment made up to have no the missing of big scope attack means in the word Jue weapon database.The Zong Guan brokes through of that, then and past of 【sting word Jue 】the Rou match together, inspiration explosion of Wang Shao Chuan, give this all new of 【sting word Jue 】joined more new chemical elements.
For example:The boost phase gives to pound at high speed to revolve, can let to pound at wearing of wave deeply the dint get 100% even increasing of more than ten times.Has been done to experiment with the strange stone on the edge, Wang Shao Chuan drive revolve velocity with wear deeply the initial data of ability, and designed a dissimilarity to wear deeply effect according to these datas of 【sting word Jue 】, and set a fast way.
Again for example:Revolve more than two kinds of dissimilarities the impact wave that the direction, or dissimilarity revolves velocity ,Beats Detox, with the same headway speed, put together to answer at the boost phase a , then along after straightly project, being shooting a human body like this, the dissimilarity revolves a direction and revolves the impact wave of velocity, will drastically collide together and form one category at the effect of the dumdum.Wang Shao Chuan directly plagiarized the name of dumdum and named after for this all new word Jue weapon of his 【reach Mu 】.
Has been counted with 100 account the meat body of the small monster experiment, Wang Shao Chuan also got a homologous initial experiment data, and these designed dissimilarity breakage effect according to the data of 【reach Mu 】.
Wang Shao Chuan profoundly comprehended that sentence on the whole:Each Ao of awe-inspiring especially the back of Man, all have a flock of small monster that are silent to shed tears.The cat eats fish, wolf to eat meat, Ao especially the Man beat a small monster ……Hey Hey, although the elder brothers son isn't an Ao Man especially, , who call is make in the hand of the elder brothers son?Wang Shao Chuan is crafty to smile several voices, continue to choose the next and on trial target.
The similar affair still has a lot, to sum it up, canning not help of half month of"drive" open country existence activity after, have been already had already in Wang Shao Chuan's hand 【sweep word Jue 】, all new of 【sting word Jue 】, 【reach Mu 】, 【float word Jue 】etc. is all new or half new attack means, biggest enriches the sequence of his word Jue weapon database.
In addition to this, Wang Shao Chuan's strong meat also made all new progress.
Probably because three weigh the spiritual influence density in sky to be far larger than two cause in sky of weighings, or also because this, Wang Shao Chuan because"drive" the open country exist of cause but self-discipline of very efficient, to sum it up, Wang Shao Chuan's strong meat makes new progress.Original Wang Shao Chuan also thinks that the strong meat self-discipline has already arrived an end to that degree of his extent and had never thought, he can with further forging among the body of impurities, enlarge a body skin further, muscle of density.
According to the optimistic estimate, Wang Shao Chuan feels that the white infinite induction gives the method of his/her own strong meat and affirm can still between each a childhood years hereafter again up 1 F floor.
Wang Shao Chuan temporarily still doesn't understand, the method of strong meat of again progress, will bring oneself how of opportunity, but he knows, as long as oneself is constantly and quickly progressing, and the progressive speed can always keep more quickly a lot of than other people, so he will more and more take up the running a person.If this continues, just there is the hope of completion task.
Continuously experience at Wang Shao Chuan, continuously comprehend, continuously innovation and breakthrough of time, on paying a very small troops, is by leap and bound going forward on the big steppe.
The big steppe is whole three heavy sky of in addition to mankind city, the most safe place.
Certainly, this safety is just opposite of, for three weigh the great majority person in sky to say, even if is a big steppe, is also dangerous matchless of, in addition to forming into groups frequently up to thousand to gather the owlet monster of head, there is also the monster of fearfulnesses, such as cloud monster, liger and grass snake...etc., but the most terrible of, is still a very small soil Feng.

Chapter 362 returns to city(of a)

The soil Feng is very similar to the bee, hornet outlooking on the earth, but the head son is just a little a little bit big, each soil Feng of adulthood, all more even a little bit big than broad bean.The common run of people all know that the soil Feng not is spent with honey Related articles:

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